“Nothing hs changed and everything is always so beautiful in the world of Erik Wollo, in the world of Cinematic”

1 Crescent Moon 7:57 2 Mountain Range 7:21 3 Venture 1 6:05 4 Venture 2 3:54 5 Unfolding 4:31 6 In Slow Time 8:36 7 End of the River 4:24 8 Closing Theme/Exit Music 6:03 Projekt – PRO344
(CD/DDL 48:58) (VF) (Ambient and lyrical)
Erik Wollo is in mode hyper productivity. In fact, since 2011 the Norwegian Electro bard has launched on the market not less than 17 albums, E.P. and others collaboration albums. That's a lot! And nevertheless, if we like the kind, each of them found its reason in the bottom of our ears. And another peak was reached with the huge Different Spaces. A double album released last March on Projekt Records. Was there enough inspiration to pursue on this prolific momentum with CINEMATIC? Without turning upside down nor reinventing his style his style, Erik Wollo offers us another beautiful album filled of soft rhythms and decorated of landscapes as much tenebrous than his melodies can be so nostalgic. A little like in some of his last works, Wollo has dig in his vaults and has find a series of compositions written between 1998 and 2003 that he remixed and remasterised for his 23rd album.
A rising wave coming from the west of our listening and which floats of its bluish membrane opens Crescent Moon and answers adequately to our waits. Amerindian percussions catch onto a line of organic pulsation which is croaking among the felted clapping of metallic banging. Minimalist, the line of rhythm is weaved by percussive jerks which support this interbreeding of synth and guitar and of their harmonies always so enigmatic and so dear to Erik Wollo's signature. These harmonies dance with reverberations in the tone and float with this line which brought Crescent Moon towards daylight. Another guitar weaves a line of riffs which gallops like a stroboscopic shiver while from all over come very good guitar solos and chants from a synth guitar which gives a shade so particular to the music of the Norwegian musician. This depicts the content of CINEMATIC. Without changing anything of his recipe, the music of Erik Wollo always possesses this intuitive touch which makes it so unique. We listen to the soundscapes of Mountain Range, of the very beautiful and melancholic Unfolding, of End of the River and In Slow Time like we devoured those of Elevations, Airborne or yet Blue Radiance. Thus, there are few surprises like there is no disappointment, or no filling or if you prefer no music without soul. Nothing has changed and everything is always so beautiful. Certainly, there are more vibrating titles which are the witnesses that the Norwegian bard still has pleasant surprises for us in his small box of creativity. Crescent Moon is very beautiful, but the superb Venture 1 is even more splendid with this fascinating voice of astral mermaid on a beautiful down-tempo structure which is perfumed of a thousand and one charms from this fusion synth/guitar. This is a wonderful title which outclasses, and by far, the very gloomy Venture 2 and its fascinating unreal chants in a structure of dark vibes but where the rhythm tries to stir up disorder in the background. A title which brings me back to the atmospheres of Arcadia Borealis. With its vigor and its very serene, even joyful, spirit Closing Theme/Exit Music tries to keep the album on the path of caravan peoples on the move who are happy to conquer new spaces. The rhythm is lively and the loops of harmonies swirl in order to root down a melody which is an eater of tympans in the nostalgia of the wandering musical winds. The line of bass reminds me of a very modest Patrick O' Hearn and the melodies of six-strings which float like the last vestiges of a specter, are to unstitch those threads which tightens the harshness of our soul. Beautiful! And a wonderful way to concluding another beautiful album where the music of Erik Wollo always finds grace between our selective ears which are seduced beforehand.
Sylvain Lupari (September 21st, 2017) ***¾**
Available on Projekt Bandcamp