“It's a little gem that our ears need to polish. And then comes the delight ...”

1 #! (Shebang) 6:46
2 640 KB 6:48
3 At Marianas Trench (Surfaced! 2014) 5:24
(E.P. / DDL 18:58) (V.F.)
(E-Rock, Guitartronica)
Is he busy the Jerome!! In addition to being very present with Loom, he reworks titles composed in his Tangerine Dream period (Orange Sized Dreams) and is cooking up a small project, still unknown to date, which would promise a rather good surprise. In order not to make his fans wait too long, including me, he drops a single, #! (SHBANG). His first since the wild Einzelkind, released in 2012. Good! Should not fall from his chair, because Jerome is quite sweet on this single whose name suggests however that it will spank!
The title-track opens the E.P. with a rather delicate approach. The rhythm is slow and cheerfully eats the drums a little nervous and the thumps of bass pulsations. The sequences flutter like annoyances on a rather melodious rhythm which is caught up by the slow and curt roars of the Guitartronica. And it becomes heavy, sinister with short duels which swap ethereal phases for an abrupt, heavy and slow rhythm which lives on stationary sequences. There is never anything harmless in Jerome Froese's works. 640 KB is proof of that. At first glance, music seems devoid of interest. The rhythm is ambient. Stationary, it flutters on sequences with a random design and on synth pads which trace the movements of leaves falling to the ground ... which never fall. Next comes a cloud of percussive sequences and bizarre percussions whose fight divides the momentum of the always stationary rhythm which eats in return each second to fatten its sonic envelope. And the draft becomes harmony. And the ambient rhythm becomes heavy. Guitartronica and percussions with very unknown tones martyred it to make it more comfortable to listen to. This is the kind of title that appeals to each listen. I really liked the At Marianas Trench which nested on Neptunes. What a beautiful album by the way! If the two introductions are still as nebulous, dark, At Marianas Trench (Surfaced! 2014) sheds its ambient membrane to offer a kind of Chill House where the very acid percussions of Jerome trace a nervous rhythm which always likes the ambient approach of its double written in 2005. I like this version better. In fact, I still love what Jerome does. It's quite unique and it's rich in terms of sounds. And #! (SHBANG) is no exception, although I must emphasize that the first listen will leave you perplexed. It's a little gem that our ears need to polish. And then comes the delight ...
Sylvain Lupari (December 24th, 2014) ***½**
Available at Jerome Froese Bandcamp