“In its structure of cosmic panorama which sees whistling comets parading, Pleiades is a journey in an ALD's most intense phases”
1 Alcyon (Dangerous Hidden Kisses) 5:42
2 Atlante (My Eyes met Yours) 5:23
3 Elettra (Trust in Me) 5:18
4 Maia (Time Freezes) 6:18
5 Merope (Loving You makes Me free) 4:18
6 Taigete (Will She come Back) 5:44
7 Pleione (The same kind of Love) 4:17
8 Celeno (Lil pink Princess) 5:24
9 Asterope (My real First Time, was with You) 5:24
Lensflare Music (DDL 47:51) (V.F.)
(Psybient, Berlin School)
For his latest album, Andrea Lensflare Debbi offers us a more personal music that is inspired by the Pleiades. He took the time necessary to design PLEIADES (The Destiny and the Love) whose 9 targeted stars made their brilliance shine on one of the most intense phases of the Italian composer life. With an average time of 5 minutes and dusts, the universe of this album exploits this vision of psybient which watched over behind Mysticum Entheogena, giving a hue which challenges us on the meaning; most intense phase of life!
A bubbling eddies serves as the basis for the various orchestrations and the numerous floating jets of a synth which is also purveyor of numerous sound effects. Arpeggios flutter in the background, weaving a rodeo which will have more vigor with these sequences which come and go on the gurgling of the eddies. In its structure of cosmic panorama which sees whistling comets parading and which admires the twinkling of its stars, Alcyon (Dangerous Hidden Kisses) gives you an idea of the next structures of PLEIADES (The Destiny and the Love). Inside multilayered synth's pads intertwined with glue and floating like sated lovers and of sound effects which are concept as completely abstract, these cosmic rodeo duels between arpeggios and sequences are of all the fights in the spheres of atmospheres of this album. Sometimes fluid like absent, they decorate the soporific tears of the synth in the very ambient Atlante (My Eyes met Yours) and they control a little more the destiny of Elettra (Trust in Me) whose layers of voice can do nothing against a structure clearly more lively, but too far back to establish its dominance. Maia (Time Freezes) extends its grip with a sea agitated by waves whose reverberations gurgle under too fluid layers in this ambient space. This really is the first psybient title of PLEIADES (The Destiny and the Love), except for the percussive effects of the previous title, with a burst effect which come and go, like strobe jets, in a rowdy structure designed for this strange language coming from the sea. Merope (Loving You makes Me Free) revives the romantic vision of Lensflare. It sounds like an odd nuptial march with a string of arpeggios and sequences that give a harmonious texture, but not too much, to a title that suddenly dies out to be reborn with Taigete (Will She come Back). A lively title, with a circle of serial sequences that sings as much as turns into a ritornello under a sky painted with the different musical embraces of the synth. Without the attachments of the psybient, ALD's music flows with more musicality and harmonies, like in this good cosmic rock which is Pleione (The same kind of Love). Between the two borders; ambient and rhythmic, Celeno (Lil pink Princess) twists in its psybient decor to emerge in another good cosmic rock arched on a series of pulsations. The sound effects dominate in this title which is interesting for the curiosity of the tones. Asterope (My real First Time, was with You) concludes this latest opus by Lensflare with this flow of reverberations projecting the dark shadows that nourish the structures of PLEIADES (The Destiny and the Love). Morphic synth waves that lazily climb its ripples like these vessels wandering in the cosmos not too far from Pink Floyd, if we trust these notes that make Pompeiiso much. A quiet track with a tireless addition of these layers of sounds' sediment which are also the cradle of the atmospheres of an album made for those who love the sound and the slow sleepy movements of the psybient. Except that we don't sleep here ...
Sylvain Lupari (March 1st, 2020) ***½**
Available at Lensflare's Bandcamp