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Writer's pictureSylvain Lupari

MAX CORBACHO: Equinox (2022)

This is for lovers of cosmic and dark atmospheric music!

1 Equinox 74:34

(CD/DDL 74:34) (V.F.)

(Dark Ambient Cosmic Music)

Maybe I needed it! Or maybe it just sounds like a good Michael Stearns cosmic ambient tale! Anyway, I enjoyed getting caught up in the dark territorial ambiences of this EQUINOX by Max Corbacho. It should be noted that the music here comes from a vague idea that germinated in 2019 and that quietly took shape to end up in a long space symphony that flirts with the 75 minutes mark. Don't look for any rhythm sequences or electronic percussions on this album, which is available on CD and download, as the only rhythmic elements are the quiet propulsions of synth waves that travel by leaning and pushing on each other.

A nice trickle of incandescent melody clings to our earlobes. A layer of drones immediately swallows it, taking the listener to the confines of a Cosmos that he begins to discover as Equinox steals his attention. The journey is long, almost linear. The sound rise is built on intensity. And the mass of sounds is divided between black roars, dark breaths and emerald-colored synth lines as if cerulean that cling to the gravitational force of the black and buzzing winds of the Cosmos. The Spanish musician-synthesist is a master in the art of modulating these slow morphic movements that hover and float with a weightlessness effect in their slow volutes whose contortions are distorted as if they were blown by a cosmic god unknown to us and whose earthly equivalent would be Aeolus. This long title drifts between our ears, that I wish you well wrapped in headphones, without other movements than its push towards distant horizons which is activated by its heap of synth layers. They collide with the ones in front in order to continue its advance towards other cosmic territories. An attentive ear will record the changes carried with nuance throughout this long journey. Atmospheric disturbances lead to bursts of sonic drones as well as the expanse of white noise layers that adorn Equinox's progression. The more amber synth shadows, those that unify the colors of the iridescence, also bring these necessary nuances so that this long Max Corbacho sonic rendezvous is carried out with an effect of attenuated redundancy. Because yes, 74 minutes to develop the same subject turns out to be a little long at times! The sound drones also amplify their impacts in a random way, you might even think you hear the vibrations of a space shuttle on slow motion. Sometimes, they release a divine translucent presence that hums seraphic harmonies and sleepy tunes. These elements and the constant presence of iridescent synth waves are the important nuances that facilitate the astral journey of EQUINOX.

Although I'm not a total fan of the genre, sometimes I get seduced by it. Max Corbacho's universe always revolves around the same axis. I admit that I was very intrigued by the synopsis of EQUINOX. And this is the main reason why I accepted the offer of its author so that I could discover its greatness. And I enjoyed the feeling of emptiness created by a long interstellar odyssey that has nothing to envy to Michael Stearns' style in his cosmic musical excursions. This is for lovers of cosmic and dark atmospheric music!

Sylvain Lupari (August 3rd, 2022) *****

Available on Max Corbacho's Bandcamp

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