“Live Munster 2015 is a solid album which allies perfectly EDM and ERM in its deepest Berliner moods”

1 Time 9:11 2 Timeless Gravitation 8:38 3 Welcome to the Past 6:45 4 Vintage Attack 6:49 5 Lifetime 5:05 6 Ring Modular 6:58 7 Meeting Mr. B 6:44 8 Days of Silence 7:35 9 Looming the Doom | Spirit of Time | Phase 5 8:10 10 Sine Wave 6:14 11 The Wave 5:43 cdr-mw1501 (DDL/CD-r 77:57)
(V.F.) (EDM, E-Rock)
The music of Moonbooter and Wellenfeld fits together perfectly well. If one, Moonbooter, likes more the style of dance music, the other one likes injecting a dose of dark depth and of Berlin School to their music. And both have a propensity without equal in the art to create melodic threads which always find a taker for the most demanding ears. The table was set so that both key artists of the MellowJet Records label unite rhythms, harmonies and cosmic atmospheres within the framework of a concert entitled The Dark Side given at the Münster Planetarium in Germany on October 24th, 2015. Offered in downloadable format or also on a CD-r format, the music of this concert turns mainly around the last albums from Moonbooter' The Wave, and of Elements from Wellenfeld. A quick incursion is also made in the albums Pandemic and Phase V from the duet Detlef Dominiczak/ Andreas Braun as well as in Moonbooter's Cosmoromantics album.
It's with the soft rhythm of Time that MOONBOOTER VS WELLENFELD -Live Munster 2015 begins its musical trip between our ears. The music is appreciably identical, except for the electronic and the rhythmic effects, like the bass line and the pulsatory beats, which are more accentuated around this delicately jumping rhythm. The best moments of both albums are present here of which the superb Welcome to the Past from Moonbooter, a really nice rendition which respects marvellously this melancholic approach which could make the last one of the damned soul dreaming. Without forgetting the solid version of Timeless Gravitation and its indefatigable rhythmic bend which goes up and goes down into dense orchestral layers. Looming the Doom ¦ Spirit of Time ¦ Phase 5 is a mix of 3 tracks took in the repertoire of Wellenfeld's Pandemie and Phase V albums. Both tracks surround the superb Spirit of Time out of the Cosmoromantics album from Bernd Scholl. It's undoubtedly the highlight of this show which is a great compilation in fact of two very solid albums of EDM and of E-Rock Music in 2015. A nice little gift from the MellowJet Records shop which is also a great way to enter in the universe of 2 artists who know how to measure the dance and the rock in a rather Berliner envelope.
Sylvain Lupari (January 6th, 2015) ***¾**
Available at MellowJet Records