“This is the best way to be introduced to some of the great France School's cosmic rock of the 70's with a splendid touch of contemporary”

1 Sequences Are Beautiful 11:14 2 Sleep Awake Part II 6:47 3 Among Waves Part III 8:00 4 Shadows Part II 11:29 5 Sleep Awake Part IV 9:53 MoonSatellite Music
(DDL 47:26) (VF) (Vintage French School's Cosmic Rock)
A live album, like a Best Of…, is often the best way to start exploring the world of an artist. And I would insist on saying that it's even more true for EM because the Live aspect is the center of a lot of talking. The similarity is such that we wonder: if is it really live or pre-recorded? Don't get this wrong! A lone artist in concert who produces music like a band in studio can't do it on stage unless he has pre-recorded elements. And even with that secured background, some artists dare! Like on this LIVE O5/11/2016 from MoonSatellite! Recorded during his performance at the Théâtre de la Foucotte in Nancy, on May 11th 2016, LIVE O5/11/2016 doesn't only contain some great music from the best era to date of Lone Wolf, be his delicious albums Whispers of the Moon and Sleep Awake released in 2015, but the brilliant artist of Lyon injects just enough nuances to give more depths to titles that have deeply charmed us some 2 years before, besides adding a new title which aims to be a good introduction to his following works. A delight for his fans, which I very am, and a feast for other fans to be, of a wonderful EM soaked with these wonderful perfumes of the France School's cosmic rock of the 70's.
Sequences are Beautiful is the title with the most significant transformation here with percussions that give a more rock tonus to it. Also taken from the Whispers of the Moon album, Shadows Part II is adorned by layers of voices in its cosmic rock portion. Sleep Awake Part II and Sleep Awake Part IV, although its finale is shorter, remain rather faithful to the versions from the album of the same name, except some synth effects which give a different aspect to the harmonious portion of Sleep Awake Part II. Among Waves Part III seems to be the little gift from Lone Wolf to his fans. The opening offers oscillating loops of sequences with fine nuances in the impulses which seduces our state of hypnosis. Another line of sequences is added and revolve between both ascending movements while the percussions solidify an approach of slow cosmic rock which is wrapped by very good and melancholic solos of which the romantic and dark approaches will pursue their adventures in Sessions or in Dark Summer.
Five titles don't make a Best Of…, nor measure the size of an artist. But LIVE O5/11/2016 is an excellent start if you want to know the music of MoonSatellite.
And afterward, you will discover an artist who will exceed your expectations.
Sylvain Lupari (June 30th, 2017) ***½**
Available at MoonSatellite Bandcamp