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OPERA'S SPACE: Aus-Flug (2016)

Writer: Sylvain LupariSylvain Lupari

“A plethora of heterogeneous tones and sounds in a good diversity of EM genders, Aus-Flug will please for sure those who are fond of experimental music”

1 Bauchlandung 2:13 2 Spacecamp 6:05 3 Passage 6:15 4 Kurskorrektur 5:26 5 Plasmaspur 5:20 6 Interferenzflug 5:34 7 Weltraumbahnhof 7:14 8 Mutantenjazz 6:36 9 Wurmlochkoller 6:43 10 Teilchenentschleuniger 7:12 11 Gravitation 4:32 12 Treibkraft 6:31 SynGate-Luna | CD-r pf15

(CD-R/DDL 69:44) (V.F.) (Neo Psychedelic Cosmic Rock)

Ringings of mini gong and bells are running after the shadows of a bass line of which the fluidity has an equal only its threatening air. And then there are noises! A lot of them. Cybernetic dialogues mixed with creakings of metal in pain and fuzz-wah-wah of guitars a bit psychedelic decorate a soundscape where a Tibetan tranquility fights with its devils. If I tell you PeteFarn, will it ring a bell? Well it’s the man behind this strange group Opera's Space. AUS-FLUG is a first album which transcends his solo works by injecting colors into his universe a lot already not too easy to seize.

After the short introduction of Bauchlandung, Spacecamp plunges us into a cosmos where noises of video game find refuge in a surprising morphic mid-tempo fed by a bass line which spits its poison in the evasive harmonies of a guitar in search of its soul. Voices? Yes there is, but not everywhere! Here and there, like here. They decorate a universe of sound psychosis where every instrument possesses its dialogue, creating a huge sound tectonic plate which doesn't have to be shy in front of the din of the Tower of Babel. This refuge for tones in extinction is all over the 70 minutes of this surprising album which is AUS-FLUG. Surprising because of its pallet of sounds and tones, but also by its big diversity at the level of the rhythms, placing the album between Cosmic Rock, Krautrock and ambient music quite psychedelic. Like Passage and its soft flute which seems unreal in this sound universe in decomposition. Kurskorrektur offers a structure of rhythm sometimes bouncing and sometimes quieter in an envelope a bit tribal. The noises? Always and they oversize a harmonious approach which is rather seductive here. And so parades the very particular universe of AUS-FLUG. We are entitled to some fascinating acid jazz-rock a la King Crimson on titles such as Interferenzflug, the percussions are very good here, Plasmaspur, which flirts with a touch of Electronica, and Gravitation. We also have some ambient music on a background of Jazz with Mutantenjazz and the very musical Teilchenentschleuniger which is a very good track. Soft and relaxing music which is on the verge of the experimentation of sounds with Weltraumbahnhof, another very good piece of music here, Wurmlochkoller and finally the kind of a bit Funk Treibkraft.

A mosaic of rhythms and of kinds on the background of neo-psychedelic music, AUS-FLUG is an album which addresses above all to a public fond of experimental music. But a wider audience will find some benefit here, so much the borders between the abstract and the musicality get entangled charmingly on certain titles. Making of this album, as disturbing as surprising, a pleasant surprise which we tame rather easily. I really enjoyed it. And the sound fauna is immensely enveloping with loudspeakers. So it's an album which draws all its wealth without earphones, although it’s completely charming with them.

Sylvain Lupari (November 24th, 2016) *****

Available at SynGate Bandcamp



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