“Another The Sessions?! Yes, it's still far from being creative”

1 8.17pm Session - Triangle 24:52
(DDL 24:52) (V.F.)
(Jam Session)
Another The Sessions?! Yes, and this time it has the merit of being more interesting. But it's still far from the creativity we can expect from this trio composed of musicians so good separately but so lacking in inspiration when put together. I still wonder, why another The Sessions? Considering that the last attempts, The Sessions V and The Sessions VI were pathetic failures. Why 8.17 PM SESSION-TRIANGLE? Also, I say it, maybe even repeat it again, but Hoshiko Yamane! Can't stand her! She is the Linda Spa of the Quatum Years with her violin that denaturalizes the synthesizer. Electronic Music! How can a violin be more versatile than a synth? No matter how talented she is, it can't take the place of a synth. It can be a good complement except that here in the first moments of Triangle it just wails while Thorsten Quaeschning and Ulrich Schnauss just scramble the waves and amplify the noise with jets of wiishh and woosshh. Again, this is a long introduction, just over 7 minutes, to get on the same page. After an early The Sessions I, it seems to me that the flutes should have been tuned by now. No! Don't tell me this is a session!!! I know it is! But where is the finished product? At this stage, the sonic structure is dense and gets hinged around Hoshiko. Raw organic elements enchant my ears, cueing a sequenced bass line to hop under an electronic sky full of effects taken in the art's den. Another ambient rhythmic line waddles under this dense sonic magma. So dense that the ambient rhythm dissolves around the 12th minute to be recovered by a big spot of sounds whose resonances become pulsating suckers. They filter the sound and the elements of ambiences to spit them in a stationary rhythm where the sequencer struggles to make hear its beats in noisy rustle. The rhythm thus resembles a puny beanie abandoned in a rave party for the hearing impaired. It's noise! Only big noise moving with the vibes! Some nice flashes but just noise where you can hear the sequencer losing a rhythm line in a hubbub of sounds.
I'm one of those who think that The Sessions episode has nothing to offer since a long time. I have this feeling that these three musicians living on the glory of a name that has nothing to do with them, or so little to do with Thorsten who is a little genius, have found an easy way to make some pocket change and that the mere idea of entering the studio gives them buttons. I'm fed up with these sessions which at most deserve to be seen and heard on You Tube...
Sylvain Lupari (April 16th, 2021) *½****
Available at Tangerine Dream Bandcamp