“A shame! A musical rubbish!”

1 It's Jerry's Day Today (0:44)
2 46-32-15 (0:47)
3 No Detention (1:01)
4 Any School Bully Will Do (0:33)
5 Go to the Head Of The Class (3:10)
6 Sit (0:47)
7 The Fight (2:35)
8 Jerry's Decision (4:28)
9 The Fight Is On (4:39)
10 Paper (1:28)
11 Big, Bright Brass Knuckles (1:18)
12 Buying Paper Like It's Going Out Of Style (1:35)
13 Dangerous Trend (0:54

14 Who's Chasing Who (0:59)
15 Bonding By Candlelight (1:35)
16 You'll Never Believe It (2:19)
17 Starting The Day Off Right (1:16)
18 Weak At The Knees (2:34)
19 Kill Him (The Football Dummy) (1:04)
20 Not So Quiet In The Library/Get Lost In A Crowd (1:34)
21 Something To Remember Me By (4:12)
22 Arrival (2:10)

CD Varese Sarabande VCD 47307
(CD 41:42) (V.F.)
(Soundtrack, E-Rock, Synth-Pop)
Tangerine Dream's adventure with the American cinema and studios continues. The German trio specializes more and more in short titles, even if it means losing their identity, which identify with their Melrose period. I think it's the worst period of the Dream that begins! But the important thing for Edgar, Chris and even Paul Haslinger is to set up their own recording studio as quickly as possible. THREE O'CLOCK HIGH is a cinematic turnip, accompanied by a musical turnip. Short tracks lacking inspiration. The sequencers and synths of Sylvester Levay, who composed tracks 6 to 10, are more inspiring and more aggressive than those of TD. Besides, his tracks are the best of this awful album.
The only track worthy of interest here is Go to the Head of the Class. We feel a little emotion, but without passion. Kill Him (The Football Dummy) appears to be setting the table for Near Dark. The titles are too short. Some sound, I'm thinking of Bonding By Candlelight, like deja-entendu, and others are hurriedly swung on totally failed fade outs. A terrible album that has absolutely nothing to do with the world of Tangerine Dream. An album to avoid unless you are a die-hard fan or a collector.
Sylvain Lupari (November 24th, 2013) *****